Current Work

King Salman Park, RIYADH

Former work as an employee

King Salman Park, RIYADH

GERBER Architekten, Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten und Stadtplaner, Büro Happold Engineering, Dan Pearlman Group, Integral Ruedi Baur Paris

Single stage limited international competition 2019
Landscape planning and urban design
Area: approx. 16km2

By replacing the former military airport with an extended oasis, the Kingdom's vision creates a new green lung and a new colorful and innovative attraction, an ecological center open to all in the city of Riyadh. This new "green-blue" ecosystem generates a new urban park of over 16 km2 (the largest in the world) with art, culture, entertainment and outdoor sports centers and innovative institutions for the benefit of citizens and visitors from all sides of the globe.

King Salman Park represent a marvelous surprise at the center of Riyadh.

The ecosystem of the park will consist of the following parts:

  • the Oasis with the flowing and games of dunes, water and vegetation;
  • the Wadi system as Riyadh's green lung, from the core of the oasis to the inner and outer urban areas;
  • the Terraced Gardens next to the green fingers for private and public use (picnics, experiencing nature, dreaming, playing sports, meeting, playing…);
  • and the Ring of lakes - connected to the wadi system - as focal point of the central ecological spaces for communication, relaxation and the perception of "nature through culture".
KSP within the city frame
KSP as core network of green avenues
Proposed project layout, topographical intervention, planting strategy
Environmental richness of the wadi development
Main access paths and architectonical interventions
Different environments within the landscape park
The Cloud within the oasis and the four Museums as core of the KSP, M 1:500
The Wadi environment and the climatic action of the Oasis
The Shu'ab, a small rocky canyon collecting air humidity
The Water ring and waterfalls to the Oasis, the terraced gardens and the Rawdah, M 1:500
The cityscape right next to the Neighborhood Park
The Rawdah, a rock/sand plateau with shade pavilions and punctual Oasis
The Water ring and lakes, event plazas and the skywalks
The Wadi oasis
The KSP event square
The park Theater