Current Work

Neugestaltung Münsterstraße, DORTMUND

Former work as an employee

Neugestaltung Münsterstraße, DORTMUND

TREIBHAUS Landschaftsarchitektur, Hamburg
Selection process 2020
Open space planning workshop process, redesign of Münsterstrasse - 2021
Lenght: approx. 850 mt

We have been part of a participative redesign of Dortmund Münsterstraße, to convert it through a process implemented step by step. Traffic and mobility have been rethought and organized, with a gradual reduction of the latter - to be diverted into other main arteries - and a strengthening of the north-south connection with privileged routes for alternative mobility.
Münsterstraße have been therefore redesigned in 2 steps as a new multicultural meeting place, firstly implementing the slow mobility and bicycle connection, afterwards acting with a traffic further reduction and with new green spaces integrated.

With the space we have managed to gain - prioritizing slow mobility - we have enriched the urban space with structures for socializisation, mobility-hubs and green spaces, giving new impetus to the development of this part of the city.

Different square situations can be found along Münsterstraße, which were divided into sequences. Each square is designed differently from the street space in order to reinforce the rhythm, together with new gathering spots to bring life, like platforms for multicultural exchange and social interaction between different users.

Design plan M 1:500
STEP 1: Carpark cleans up the street; STEP 2: Architectural interventions + greenings; STEP 3: Revitalize with everybody's help
Münsterstraße section: Existing situation - Tomorrow - Next future
Vision pespective for St.Joseph-Platz, a neighborhood's public stage
Vision pespective for Münsterstraße, a green touch in everyday's life
Driving principles: Re-organize mobility concepts, turn permeable and resilient for the future, enrich common spaces for public gathers
Design plan M 1:200 - Interventions on Münsterstraße to St.Joseph-Platz